With the resumption of in-person events in the East Kingdom, we would like to re-introduce the Confraternity of the Green Stag, a charitable group of local reenactors operating as a private association independent of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
Our mission is to assist those whose financial constraints might prevent them from attending Kingdom or local events. We firmly believe that enabling people to attend these events is beneficial to our Society, and want to allow a wide range of people to share the enjoyment we take in this hobby of ours.
If any gentle finds that cost would be a barrier to their attendance at an upcoming East Kingdom event, we would like to help by discretely paying your gate fees.
Contact us at GreenStagSCA@gmail.com, or through our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/TheGreenStag.
(Alternately, if the spirit of this endeavor appeals to you, you may contribute to this effort by pledging your financial support to this campaign or volunteering to assist in the operations of the Confraternity.)
In sevice to the East and to our Dream,
— The Confraternity of the Green Stag
— www.greenstag.org